Hedemora Chickens: A Unique and Hardy Landrace

Hedemora chickens are a group of landrace fowl that originated in the Swedish districts of Hedemora and Dalarna. They are small to medium-sized birds, weighing between 3 and 5 pounds, and come in a variety of feather and skin colors. Some of them have a distinctive wooly or silky feathering, while others have smooth or feather-legged plumage. Some of them also have a rare genetic trait called fibromelanosis, which gives them black or purplish skin, bones, and organs.

Hedemora chickens are adapted to the harsh climate of their native region and can withstand both cold and hot weather. They have thick, downy under-feathering that keeps them warm and cozy. They also have small to medium combs and wattles that reduce the risk of frostbite. They are good layers of cream-colored or light brown eggs, and can produce for up to five years or more. They are gentle and docile birds, with varying degrees of broodiness and foraging ability.

If you are looking for a hardy, adaptable, and unique landrace fowl that will add some diversity and charm to your flock, you might want to consider Hedemora chickens. They are rare and beautiful birds that will reward you with their eggs and personality.


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